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Russell Child Development Center Sponsors Eight Early Childhood Programs.

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Finding the Light Perinatal Support can help a parent develop a strong bond with the baby, process birth-related trauma, new parental experience, loss, and disability, and provide a safe and stable environment for you and the baby to grow together. This program is currently only offered to parents enrolled in another RCDC program.

Russell Child Development Center's Early Intervention Program is part of a statewide system that provides early intervention services to children ages birth to 36 months and their families. RCDC provides services in 13 Southwest Kansas counties.


Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) is offered to parents and caregivers with children between the ages of prenatal through 48 months. ABC will strengthen your positive relationship with your child while helping your child to develop in a healthy way.

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Growing Together knows parents want to have a healthy baby and be a good parent. Growing Together Home Visitors partner with families to help each family achieve their goals. Growing Together can offer a range of services: prenatal home visits, home visits, child development information, connections to community resources, & positive parenting information. 

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Learn & Play groups are available at 28 different site locations across Southwest Kansas. Sessions provide opportunities for families to engage in developmentally appropriate activities while encouraging how skills can be practiced and expanded on at home. Developmental screeners are done with each child to support families in areas that their child is on target for while also providing information on areas in which the child needs more practice. Facilitators for the Learn & Play groups provide caregiver education to enhance the learning development for each child.


Triple P Positive Parenting Program doesn't tell you how to parent. It offers clear and simple ideas to help manage problem behavior or prevent problems from developing in the first place. You'll become confident about your parenting skills and learn how to take care of yourself as a parent too.


Russell Child Development Center is the sponsor for the Child & Adult Care Food Program providing food reimbursement and nutritional support to licensed child care providers in 14 Southwest Kansas counties.

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Family Support Services assist eligible individuals' support networks in identifying, selecting, obtaining, coordinating, and using both paid services and natural supports that are available to enhance the individual's experience.

Growing Together, Triple P, and Learn & Play are funded through the Building Blocks Early Childhood Block Grants awarded by the Kansas Children's Cabinet and Trust Fund to Russell Child Development Center.

Our Mission
To lay a foundation of success for all young children and their families through high-quality, inclusive services.
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Russell Child Development Center

2735 N Jennie Barker Rd, Garden City, KS 67846. 620-275-0291

Office Hours: M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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